Below are the 21 books most recently read by me and cited here, with the first post given even though there may be more than one post. In fact, the total posts from these books is close to 35 (See my post of Feb. 1, 2009: 13 books cited on this blog; and Aug. 17, 2009: 10 more books.). .
Chris Anderson, Free: The Future of a Radical Price (Hyperion 2009) (See my post of Sept. 28, 2009: the Dunbar number.).
Michael Blastland and Andrew Dilnot, The Numbers Game (Gotham Books 2009 (See my post of April 23, 2010: $2,500 per lawyer per day.).
Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, why does E=mc2 (Da Capo 2009) (See my post of Nov. 19, 2010: mathematics key to three important theories.).
Julian Dibbell, ed., The Best Technology Writing 2010 (Yale Univ. 2010) (See my post of Nov. 17, 2010: signal-to-noise ratio.).
Trevor Faure, The Smarter Legal Model: more from less (Practical Law 2010) (See my post of April 23, 2010: neurolinguistic programming.).
David Galbenski, Unbound: How Entrepreneurship is Dramatically Transforming Legal Services Today (2009) (See my post of Dec. 1, 2009: growth of LPOs in India.).
Charles S. Jacobs, Management Rewired (Penguin 2009) (See my post of May 23, 2010: don’t direct people, improve their understanding.).
Stephen H. Kellert, Borrowed Knowledge: Chaos Theory and the Challenge of Learning Across Disciplines (Univ. Chic. 2008) (See my post of Nov. 24, 2010: Pareto optimality.).
Daniel B. Klein, ed., What Do Economists Contribute (NY Univ. Press 1999) (See my post of Sept. 23, 2009: social values of managers.).
Marc Lauritsen, The Lawyer’s Guide to Working Smarter with Knowledge Tools (ABA 2010) (See my post of April 21, 2010: artificial intelligence for lawyers.).
Michael Mauboussin, Think Twice: Harnessing the Power of Counterintuition (Harvard Bus. Press 2009) (See my post of Dec. 15, 2009: don’t just gather facts, but think about the decision to be made.).
Margaret MacMillan, Dangerous Games: The Uses and Abuses of History (Modern Library 2008) (See my post of Oct. 27, 2009: selective memory.).
Deirdre N. McCloskey, The Bourgeois Virtues (Univ. Chicago, 2006) (See my post of Nov. 18, 2010: think issues not eras.).
Henry Mintzberg, Managing (FT Prentice Hall 2009) (See my post of April 23, 2010: four thoughts on legal department management.).
Richard Ogle, Smart World: Breakthrough Creativity and the New Science of Ideas (Harv. Bus. School 2007) (See my post of July 25, 2010: no correlation between brains and creativity.).
Mark Prebble, Managing In-House Legal Services: Providing High Value Support for Your Organisation (Thorogood 2009) (See my post of Sept. 9, 2009: minimum department size.).
Olivia Parr Rud, Business Intelligence Success Factors (Wiley 2009) (See my post of Aug. 16, 2010: sociograms and networks.).
George A. Reisch, How the Cold War Transformed the Philosophy of Science (Cambridge Univ. Press 2005) (See my post of Oct. 27, 2009: philosophical views.).
Amartya Sen, The Idea of Justice (Harvard Univ. 2009) (See my post of June 7, 2010: plural grounding.).
William A. Sherden, The Fortune Sellers: The Big Business of Buying and Selling Predictions (John Wiley 1998) (See my post of Aug. 24, 2009: law departments as complex systems.).
David Warsh, The Idea of Economic Complexity (Penguin Books, 1984) (See my post of Aug. 24, 2009: four ill-defined words.).