
15 companies that fund litigation at a conference on this niche industry

A conference scheduled to take place in New York City on April 27-29, is called the Litigation Finance & Investment Summit. The agenda includes speakers from organizations that are involved in litigation financing. Listed below in alphabetical order by company are fifteen of them according to the brochure for the conference.

Wayne Rubin, Managing Partner, 5 Star Legal Funding; Bill Tilley, CEO, Amicus Capital Services; Jeffrey Shachat, ARCA Capital; John Fernando, Boston Finance Group; Christopher Bogart, CEO, Burford Group, Aaron Katz, Director, Credit Suisse Securities; Brendan M. Hare, Partner, Hare & Associates; Richard W. Fields, CEO, Juridica Capital Management; David Desser, Managing Director, Juris Capital; Alan Zimmerman, CEO, LawFinanceGroup; Peter Blanton, Managing Director, Macquarie Capital (USA); Gary Chodes, CEO, Oasis Legal Finance; Howard Liberson, President, Trial & Appellate Resources; Ray Chan, TTM Capital; and Ralph J. Sutton, Managing Director, Validity Capital Partners.

To get a copy of the brochure or to learn more about this Infocast conference, write Erin Dolleris. To read more on this blog about litigation financing, you can start with my first metapost (See my post of May 21, 2009: lawsuit financing by groups with 8 references.) and then move to more recent items (See my post of July 7, 2009: data from Juridica Investments; July 7, 2009 #3: additional players in litigation funding; Sept. 29, 2009 #2: contingent fee financing; Oct. 12, 2009: top 17 litigation funding firms; Dec. 23, 2009: publicly traded companies include two; June 15, 2010: detail on Burford and Juridica and Rand study; June 25, 2010: law firm offers funding of a sort; and Jan. 23, 2011: a UK funder.).