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A new country for LPO suppliers, this time New Zealand

Nearly all my posts about offshore legal resources relate to India. Still, I have mentioned similar undertakings in a number of other countries yet here is a new entrant: New Zealand (See my post of April 13, 2008: Malaysia and HSBC; Jan. 27, 2006: Mauritius and Accenture; Nov. 27, 2007: Israel; June 17, 2009: China and the Philippines; and March 6, 2009 #3: South Africa and an LPO trade group.).

A post on the Orange Rag announced that Latitude South NZ Ltd has launched a legal outsourcing offering, designed for UK in-house legal teams and law firms by using a team of New Zealand-based lawyers with UK and international experience along with a team in Singapore and an onshore presence in London.

”Latitude South claim their services will enable savings of up to 50% on substantive legal support services including professional support and know-how services, the design of standard form agreements, the drafting of bespoke documents, and peer review. Latitude South will also provide project management and legal process engineering services to help unbundle the substantive legal work appropriate for outsourcing.” Peer review?

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One response to “A new country for LPO suppliers, this time New Zealand”

  1. Rees,
    Although now operating from New Zealand, our team members have worked in exactly the same commercial environment as our UK clients, enabling us to undertake a “peer” review of certain legal documents drafted by UK lawyers.
    All of our legal consultants have over 9 years post-qualification experience including practising in UK law firms such as Allen & Overy, Herbert Smith and Barlow Lyde & Gilbert, among others. Other team members have previously worked in-house at multinational organizations including Goldman Sachs, GE Capital and Mobil.
    Our “on the ground” experience combined with the calibre of our legal team means we are capable of undertaking peer review to highlight red flags and provide business practical solutions to mitigate risks.
    Larissa Glubb, Director, Latitude South