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18 lists on Twitter that include this blog and an analysis of their reach

While looking at Twitter yesterday I noticed “Lists.” With Lists, which cost nothing to start, Twitter users assemble (follow) Twitter posters in a topical area. My tweets, which are Twitter-sized repeats of what I write here, have made their way onto 18 lists that have to do mostly with the business of law and legal management.

Strangely, these 18 lists have a total of 4,150 Twitterers that they follow, but only 470 people following them. Lists haven’t caught up with law department managers as a filter of the flow of online commentary. The table below summarizes the 18 lists I’m on, sorted by how many Twitter users follow the list (“Followers” in the right column). The number in the middle column shows how many Twitter accounts the list covers.

List with On List Followers

AdvertisingLaw/legal 475 161

AdvertisingLaw/legal-news 111 47

JDSupra/lawyers-law-firms-legal 499 47

stephaniethum/attorneys-legal-professi459 41

shelleehale/legal 491 39

Leoramaccabee/legalfolks 475 39

legallyunbound/law-tweeters 369 21

lawshucks/aba100 73 20

ellachou/legal-tweeps 361 16

legallyunbound/blawgers 280 13

IntegreonEDD/legal 65 8

mjsq/lawbiz-lawtech business / 110 5

DavidWms/law-general 122 5

GWBLawFirm/aba-jrnl-blawg-100-200981 4

DukeLukeM/legal-management-it 39 3

jkubicki/legal-transformation 26 1

Exterro/legalpress 69 0

gastonbilder/legal-management 45 0

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One response to “18 lists on Twitter that include this blog and an analysis of their reach”

  1. Ed Poll says:

    Rees, interesting analysis. BTW, please note that the phrase “the business of law” is a registered mark that has belonged to me since 1995.
    I hope all is well.